Its been some time since I last posted an update on what I have been up to, mainly due to a trip to the UK, a wedding and having my arm in cast for months following a careless slip on our living room floor! The upside of this, I guess, is having had plenty of experience of the Japanese hospital system.
I also passed a milestone recently, having been in Osaka for just over a year, the time has just flown past! There have certainly been many ups and downs over the year, but overall its been an interesting experience and I look forward to seeing what the next year has in store.
Anyway, here is a selection of photos of various things of interest over the past couple of months:
Peaches kindly sent to us by my wife's grandparents. |
A firework display held alongside Yodo river, this one is a Pokemon ball! |
If you look closely you can see Doraemon's face. |
A Zen garden in Kyoto, built by a poet.
Osaka Science Museum, they have a rather bad cockroach problem!
The Lotus pond outside the museum.
The museum also has this interesting tunnel of gourds!
An old electronics store in Nipponbashi.
A summer festival in Kyoto